[Review] My 1st Althea Box - Unboxing Althea Birthday Box

July 21, 2017

Hi all, this is my first Althea Box ^^
and this is Birthday Box Edition because Althea turns 2 !
Happy Birthday Althea ^^

Anyway, i made this order on June 27th and I just received the package on July 19th, due to Eid holidays, Indonesian customs is having difficult time clearing backlogs.
Thank you for the staff for replied all of my message ^^"

Here's the birthday box !

Unboxing Althea Birthday Box

Unboxing Althea Birthday Box
This is the package detail, before i opened it

Unboxing Althea Birthday Box

Unboxing Althea Birthday Box

Unboxing Althea Birthday Box
the box covered by bubble wrap

birthday design ^^

Unboxing Althea Birthday Box
Althea with bunting flag kekeke

Unboxing Althea Birthday Box
Lot of items ^^

Unboxing Althea Birthday Box
Laneige - Water Sleeping Mask
Who doesn't know this product ?
Best seller sleeping mask for maintain your healthy skin

Unboxing Althea Birthday Box
Holy Grail !
Banila.co x Taeyeon - Happy Color
This palette contains pigmented eyeshadow, blush and mini brush also ^^

Unboxing Althea Birthday Box
Half Moon Eyes - Pink Fruity
This is a wash off mask that removes sebum and other impurities from the pores. 

Unboxing Althea Birthday Box
Beuins Mask
There are some sleeping mask, scrubs, soothing mask ^^

Unboxing Althea Birthday Box
Skinature - Pig Collagen
This is a mask sheet

Unboxing Althea Birthday Box
Pure Smile - Neco Punch Point Pads
This is also a mask for moisturize and control excess sebum

Unboxing Althea Birthday Box
Bare Blanc Pink Tender Cream
This is make up base cream

Thank you so much Althea,

Anyway, Thank you so much for stopping by..
I love to see your thought too by leaving the comment down below ^^
God bless.


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  1. wah cepet jg ya nyampenya :(
    aku order tgl 4, baru dikirim tgl 19.
    btw, ini pake rincos jg ?


    1. agak terhambat libur juga sih, tp untungnya lumayan cepet.
      punya ku dikirim pake yongsung :)

  2. Klo untuk laneigne sleeping mask khusus untuk kulit normal dan kering atau bisa untuk kulit berminyak dan jerawat?


    1. Untuk laneige sleeping mask nya, setau aq untuk kulit kering ke normal, krn salah satu kegunaannya untuk melembabkan :)
      fyi, skin type ku oily, aq udah nyoba bbrp kali, so far sih bagus aja, gak membuat tambah oily gitu juga ^^

  3. ahhh mau belanja juga cuma nunggu gajihan bentaran lagi :/



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