[Review] Milani Baked Blush in Luminoso

September 20, 2017

Finally I got to try Milani Baked Blush, yeay !
Honestly I've been seeing it all over the blogs but never had a thought to buy it.  But, I have to find another blush at the moment, and I decided to bought it in the shade Luminoso.

Akhirnya aku bisa nyobain Milani Baked Blush.
Jujur, aku udah sering liat produk ini di banyak blog tapi entah kenapa gak pernah kepikiran buat beli. Tapi karena satu dan lain hal aku harus nyari blush baru, dan aku memutuskan untuk beli produk ini dengan shade Luminoso.

Milani Baked Blush in Luminoso review

Shades Luminoso is a golden peach shade, with small shimmer works like a highlighter.  It not that obvious, the shimmer is only seen on the light.  I really love the shade because I think it so suit to my skin tone.  I prefer use the peach one than the pink one.

Shade Luminoso ini golden peach shade, dengan shimmer kecil yang kurang lebih seperti highlighter mengkilap2 gitu tapi gak terlalu mencolok, shimmernya cuma kelihatan kalau terkena sinar.  Aku suka banget sama warna ini karena cocok banget sama skin tone aku, berbeda dengan jika menggunakan warna pink yang sometimes terlihat pucat.

Milani Baked Blush in Luminoso review

Milani Baked Blush in Luminoso review
It contain 0.12oz / 3.5 g, made in Italy
produk ini berisi 0.12oz / 3.5 g

Milani Baked Blush in Luminoso review
Underneath section

The packaging looks really gorgeous.  I really like the packaging, comes with gold plastic packaging with transparent cover.
It has two parts inside the lid, there's a blush in the top section, a mirror and a brush in the underneath section.

Kemasannya kelihatan cantik.  Aku suka banget sama kemasannya yang terbuat dari plastik dengan penutup transparan.
Produk ini memiliki dua bagian di dalamnya, yaitu bagian blush pada sisi atas, cermin dan kuas pada bagian bawahnya.

Milani Baked Blush in Luminoso review
black flat brush

Milani Baked Blush in Luminoso review

Milani Baked Blush in Luminoso review
golden peach with shimmer

Milani baked blush in luminoso has a smooth and fine texture, it's very pigmented.
What I like is it doesn't emphasize pore and dry patches.
If you have warm undertone or yellow undertone, it will works really well on you.

Milani baked blush in luminoso teksturnya lembut, pigmentasinya juga bagus.
Yang aku suka produk ini tidak menyumbat pori dan gak membuat kulit kering.
Kalo kamu punya kulit warm undertone atau yellow undertone, kamu bisa cobain produk ini.

Pros :
+ Very pigmented
+ Nice color
+ Smooth texture
+ Convenient packaging
+ Affordable

Cons :
- The brush isn't works on me

Anyway thank you so much for stopping by..
Don't forget to share your thought on the comment section down bellow, ^^
God bless.


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  1. Ini termasuk wishlist aku yg sampe skrg belom kesampean. Bagus baanget warnanya. Aku suka <3 hehe

    1. Bener banger, warnanya bagus hehe
      thank u for stopping by :D

  2. Udah ngeker blush on ini dan masuk wishlist. Berhubung blush on yg skrg masih ada, jadi tunggu habis dulu deh baru belanja lagi. Kalau nggak nanti pada numpuk di meja rias >.<

    1. betul ci, ntar malah balapan expired >< huhuhu


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